Jandy Teledyne Gasket Sleeve Kit R0021100
January 24, 2013 in Jandy and Teledyne Laars Parts by PoolSpaRemote
Jandy Heater Gasket and Sleeve Kit R0021100
Used on the following models:
- CP-|| 154 THRU 385
- B, DC 175 THRU 400
- DF, DH,DK DM, DR 125 THRU 400
- EG, ES, ES-||, EC 125 THRU 400
- EPG,EPM, EPS 125 THRU 400
- E60, TE-115
- TGT-50, TGS-55
- TGT-50, TGT-55
- TRS/TRT-55