Autopilot Digital Power Supply DIG-220 Digital power supply. Must be purchased with a patented bypass manifold 94113 (RC-52 cell, up to 52,000 gallons) or 94105 (RC-35 cell, up to 35,000 gallons). Pool Pilot Digital – The most reliable and user friendly chlorine generator unit available. With microprocessor controls, digital read-out of swimming pool water temperature, current salt level, purifier production level, soft reverse cell cleaning cycle and boost cycle, the Pool Pilot Digital is a technologically advanced unit. The easy-to-read digital readout on this in-line unit even tells you how much salt to add should it run low. The Pool Pilot Digital has a patented temperature compensation feature that actually adjusts chlorine production according to the demands of the water temperature and operates in water temperatures up to 104F. It can purify swimming pools up to 51,800 gallons and has a built-in time clock to control your swimming pool pump…all at the touch of a button. Features: More purifier output than any other unit – up to 2lbs./day Utilizes patented bypass manifold for optimum chlorine production Patented temperature compensation Operates at any water temperature up to 104 Operates at all salt levels: 2,000-35,000 ppm Lifetime trade-in value on cell Soft
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