Cartridge Filter Whirlpool Nemco 4CH-50
January 24, 2013 in 4-5in Diameter Cartridge Filters by PoolSpaRemote
50 sq. ft. Cartridge Filter Whirlswimming pool, Nemco 4CH-50 FC-0151 Diameter…………………………………4-5/8″ Length……………………………………14-3/4″ Top End Cap: id/config……………../ molded cone handle Bottom End Cap: id/config…………/ 1-1/2male thread/MPT The top load cartridge is used on: Dimension One Spas OEM P/N 1561-05 Dynasty Spas Florida Whirlswimming pool Nemco OpuSpas Note: Replaces any cartridge that has an MPT fitting or a 1.9″ id with disposable adapter.