ACTIVE INGREDIENIT: Balsam Fir Oil, a botanical pesticide ———-2.0% OTHER INGREDIENTS: Fragrance Oil, plant fibers——————–98.0% TOTAL ——————————————-100.0% EPA Reg. No. 82016-1-64405 EPA Est. 87127-TN-1 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN General Information: EVAC Botanical Rodent Repellent repels by odor that is offensive to rodents, but not to humans. This product can be used effectively to repel rodents from treated areas for up to 30 days. DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Indoors: Use in non-living areas (attics, basements, cellars, storage areas. garages, sheds, pantries and barns). Place one scent pouch per 8 square feet in areas to be protected (i.e. use 4 pouches in a single car garage or one pouch in a pantry). Replace when scent has diminished. Length of effective- ness depends on air exchange rates and temperatures. Enclosed Spaces: Use in autos, RVs, airplanes, boats, tractors, trucks, etc. Place four scent pouches per storage unit per season to freshen the average size camper, boat, truck or auto. Replace scent pouches when scent has diminished. The product lasts up to 30 days in cold storage areas. Length of effectiveness depends on air exchange
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