Calcium Booster LeisureTime 1 qt CB

January 24, 2013 in Spa Chemicals by PoolSpaRemote

Calcium Booster LeisureTime 1 qt CB

LeisureTime 1 qt Calcium Booster CB

Raises water hardness level while preventing foaming and equipment corrosion.


  • Increases water hardness
  • Helps prevent corrosion


As Needed:

One ounce raises the calcium hardness 7 ppm in 500 gallons of water.

  1. Determine amount of product to be added. The ideal hardness level is 150-400 ppm.
  2. Turn jets ON to circulate spa water.
  3. Pour required amount into the water.
  4. Run filter for 1 to 2 hours.
  5. Retest water to ensure proper level.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 until proper level is obtained.

Compatible With:

Chlorine, bromine, ozone and biguanide sanitizers.


Use Leisure Time Spa & Hot Tub Test Strips to determine hardness level. Water low in calcium will etch plaster and corrode equipment.

Spa Care GuideClick the image for Spa Care Guide.