Applied Biochemists Yellow Trine Yellow Mustard 408622
January 24, 2013 in Algaecides by PoolSpaRemote
Applied Biochemists Yellow Trine Yellow Mustard 408622
A granular formation that helps clear away slimy yellow and mustard algae in swimming pools.
Dissolves Quickly
Leaves No Residue
May Be Used In All Types Of Pools
Weekly Maintenance (based on 10,000 gallons):
1. For water temperature above 80 degrees, add 4 oz. of Yellowtrine with 1 gallon liquid chlorinating compound or 1 lb. of a dry chlorinating compound once a week.
2. For water temperatures under 80 degrees, add 2 oz. of Yellowtrine weekly and 1/2 gallon liquid chlorinating compound or 1/2 lb. of a dry chlorinating compound.
Yellow or Mustard Alage Removal:
1. Brush walls and floor areas affected by yellow algae.
2. Apply 4 oz. of Yellowtrine as close to affected area as possible.
3. Superchlorinate by adding 1 gallon liquid chlorinating compound or 1 lb. of a dry chlorinating compound.
4. Add Prevent Plus to prevent non-metallic deposits and to maintain water clarity.
It is fast dissolving formula will destroy deposits without leaving a residue.
Compatible With:
Chlorine, bromine and ozone sanitizers.