Discover just how much you can save in utility costs by choosing an IntelliFlo® or IntelliPro™ intelligent variable speed pump over an Energy Efficient (EE) pump. In the calculator below, choose:
  1. Your pool size
  2. Dollars per kilowatt hour ($/kWh) you pay for electricity
  3. Horsepower (HP) of comparison pump
  4. Hours per day of pump operation

Then look below to see just how much you’ll SAVE!

Enter Pool Size and Electric Rate
Unsure of your pool size? Click here
for our Pool Volume Calculator.
Select Energy Efficient (EE) Comparison Pump Horsepower and Hours of Operation
NOTE: All comparative pump data based on single-speed, Energy Efficient (EE) models.
Energy Costs for Comparison Pump
hours/day turns/day $/day $/year
Energy cost based on selected hours of operation for selected comparative pump
Energy cost based on circulating all water once per day
Energy Costs for IntelliFlo or IntelliPro Pump
hours/day turns/day $/day $/year
Energy costs based on hours of operation (automatically calculated) for
IntelliFlo to most efficiently circulate all pool water once per day
Energy Savings With IntelliFlo or IntelliPro Pumps
    $/day $/year
Savings based on comparative pump and hours of operation you selected
Savings based on comparative pump you selected at suggested minimum hours of operation to circulate all pool water once per day

Calculations based on system running at 60 feet of total head using an energy-efficient (EE), full rated pool pump.
Yearly savings is based on 365 days/year operation.

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