Scalemaster Scale Remover 10-1350

January 24, 2013 in Scale and Stain Removers by PoolSpaRemote

Scalemaster Scale Remover 10-1350 For the removal of scale on swimming swimming pool tile and hydrotherapy spas. Removes: Scale, Stains, Body oils. Directions for use:Lower water level below scale line. Apply just above scale so Scalemaster will run down over the scale. Agitate With brush or plasric abrasive pad until the scale is gone. In stubborn areas allow Scalemaster to remain in contact with scale for 5 to 10 minutes and then agitate.

Applied Biochemists Resist 406803

January 24, 2013 in Scale and Stain Removers by PoolSpaRemote

Applied Biochemists Resist 406803 No Testing Required! Resists against stains and scale forming by preventing the minerals in the water from reacting to create stains and scale. Used during swimming pool filling and on a regular maintenance schedule, this long-lasting sequestering formula prevents damage to equipment and swimming pool surfaces typically caused by stain and scale formation. Features: Long lasting protection against stains, scale and rust Prevents colored water Protects equipment from corrosion No testing is required. Applications: Normal: Use 16 oz. RESIST per 10,000 gallons of swimming pool water. For hard water, (over 200 ppm), high iron, copper or manganese content (over 0.1 ppm), double the initial dosage (32 oz. per 10,000 gallons). Add RESIST after the swimming pool has been filled. Filled swimming pool should then be circulated overnight before adding chlorine or other swimming pool chemicals to allow RESIST to react with and prevent precipitation of minerals in fresh fill water.

United Chemical Cobalt Cure CC-C12

January 24, 2013 in Scale and Stain Removers by PoolSpaRemote

United Chemical Cobalt Cure CC-C12 Use for black spots on fiberglass & for spot prevention Cobalt Cure is the first product that combines powerful dramatic performance with an economical price. Cobalt Cure will remove cobalt spots without draining. Cobalt Cure will also stop the recurrence of spots economically when used as a maintenance product. No 2-bottle treatment! No more expensive ascorbic acid! No more draining! Field tests by consumers and professional technicians show:• Dramatic Performance • Easy Preventive Maintenance • Success on All Fiberglass and Acrylic Spas & Pools COBALT CURE IS EASY TO USE! Just follow instructions on the bottle.

United Chemical Scale Treat SCT-C12

January 24, 2013 in Scale and Stain Removers by PoolSpaRemote

United Chemical Scale Treat SCT-C12 Scale Treat was discovered by accident in the early 1970s. The formula was kept as a service company secret until 1980. Now this excellent product is available to the swimming pool professional and the swimming pool owner. • Gives the water a diamond sparkle • Stops dirty, greasy tile and water line • Clears the water • Stops scaling • Reduces staining • Stops corrosion • Lasts months – not days as other clarifiers • Costs pennies per day The professionals report dramatic improvement in water polish or sparkle. Tremendous time is saved in maintenance by reduced tile dirt and longer filter cycles. Scale Treat will stop swimming pools from going green immediately after chlorine loss. Pool owners enjoy the soft water feeling while getting scale protection. Use Scale Treat for . . . • All types of swimming pool start-ups • As a preventive clarifier • Dirty tile elimination • Fountains and ponds scale control • Condominium and commercial clarity problems

United Chemical Super Stain Treat SST-C12

January 24, 2013 in Scale and Stain Removers by PoolSpaRemote

United Chemical Super Stain Treat SST-C12 The hottest product for eliminating all kinds of metallic stainsSuper Stain Treat replaces draining and acid washing. It is effective across the whole pH range. Super Stain Treat is compatible with all surfaces including, marcite, fiberglass, gunite, vinyl and exposed aggregate. It is the first step in a two-step programfor removing and prevention. • Effectively removes stains from fiberglass. • Granular concentrate is more powerful & concentrated than typical liquid stain removers. • Delivers enhanced performance when it’s needed most – unlike most liquid treatments (which break down when pH drops). • Dollar for dollar, the most powerful stain remover ever made.

United Chemical Pool Stain Treat Spotting Bag PST-C48

January 24, 2013 in Scale and Stain Removers by PoolSpaRemote

United Chemical Pool Stain Treat Spotting Bag PST-C48 No rubbing No scrubbing Removes most blue, brown, yellow, metallic and leaf (organic) stains Pool Stain Treats Spotting Bag is a NEW concept in stain removal. By simply placing a Spotting Bag directly over a stain, and pinning it down with a swimming pool brush, without scrubbing or rubbing — the stain will disappear within 24 hours. The Spotting Bag will. . . Remove rust marks Remove copper marks Minimize any damage to the surface Clean the spots while you relax The Spotting Bag is made from the same powerful formula used in Pool Stain Treat. This products proven performance has made the talk of professionals Pool Stain Treat and the Spotting Bag are effective on. . . Plaster (marcite), vinyl, fiberglass and painted swimming pools Rust marks made by bobby pins, BBs and toys Outside areas of rebard bleed Copper fallout from shocking General brown and blue metal stains Leaf and Organic Stains

EasyCare Scaletec Plus Scale Remover 20064

January 24, 2013 in Scale and Stain Removers by PoolSpaRemote

EasyCare Scaletec Plus Scale Remover 20064 •Descales all swimming pool surfaces and tile without acids, scrubbing, & draining. •Does not damage swimming pool surfaces. •Safer and more effective than acid washing swimming pool surfaces. •Very effective on removing calcium deposits, mineral scales, iron stains, and scum buildup. •Cleans swimming pool equipment, filter, & heater. •Obtain visible results in 2 to 4 weeks

Bio-Dex Salt Protect SALT32

January 24, 2013 in Scale and Stain Removers by PoolSpaRemote

Bio-Dex Salt Protect SALT32 The Perfect Solution for Salt Systems Protects against Stain, Scale, Iron, Corrosion and Rust problems •This product will not add phosphates to the water. •Raise wate, apply product, remove scale in 48hours. •Removes and prevents stain & scale. •Controls metal including iron, rust and corrosion problems. •Helps to stabilize PH. •Completely stable and highly effective.

United Chemical Pool Stain Treat 2 lbs. PST-C12

January 24, 2013 in Scale and Stain Removers by PoolSpaRemote

United Chemical Pool Stain Treat 2 lbs. PST-C12 Most powerful stain remover Great for any swimming pool surface Perfect for start-up stain prevention Safe & easy to use Baquacil/ Softswimcompatible Works 40-60 days on all surfaces What is Pool Stain Treat? Pool Stain Treat is a sequestrant & a chelator. Those are fancy words for a metal holding, stain remover and preventor chemical. Why do I need a stain product A fact not generally known by the swimming pool business is that all water has metal in it. We get 25,000 calls per year on staining and over half showed no metals when tested. Staining is the number 1 problem and it is the hardest to fix. Algae is easy for us to get rid of. Does Pool Stain Treat remove metals from the water? Some metals will be removed from the water but no product is effective in eliminating all metals from the water. Many of our calls are complaints about competitors products that did not work. Since metals come from dust, rain, fertilizers, city and well water, other chemicals, it is ridiculous to believe that you do not have metals in your swimming pool. Uniteds position is that
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Bio-Dex Protect-All Supreme PAO32

January 24, 2013 in Scale and Stain Removers by PoolSpaRemote

Bio-Dex Protect-All Supreme PAO32 Contains no Phosphonic Acid Super Concentrated One quart treats 20,000 gallons. Maintenance dose: 3-4 oz. per 20,000 gallons weekly or 12 oz monthly. Controls swimming swimming pool stain, scale, calcium, rust and corrosion. •This product will not add phosphates to the water. •Raise water, apply product, remove scale in 48 hours. •Removes and prevents stain and scale. •Controls metal including iron, rust and corrosion problems. •Helps to stabilize PH. •Completely stable and highly effective. •Removes stains as shown in the pictures below