Hasa Alkalinity Up 10lbs 69410

January 24, 2013 in Balancers by PoolSpaRemote

Hasa Alkalinity Up 69410 Bicarbonate of soda INCREASES TOTAL ALKALINITY HASA ALKALINITY UP is used to increase alkalinity of swimming swimming pool water when tests indicate lower than a normal reading of 80-120 ppm total alkalinity. Proper alkalinity adjustment insures better pH control and more efficient activity of sanitizing chemicals. Periodic alkalinity testing with a reliable four-in-one test kit should be done to keep total alkalinity in the 80-120 ppm range. DIRECTIONS FOR USE:While the pump is in operation, add 1.5 pounds of HASA ALKALINITY UP per 10,000 gallons of swimming swimming pool water by distributing it directly into the swimming pool water to increase alkalinity by approximately 10 ppm. Retest after four (4) hours and repeat if necessary. HASA Soda Ash is recommended to raise the pH of swimming swimming pool water. INGREDIENTS:ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Sodium Bicarbonate………………………………………………………100.00% NET WEIGHT 10LBS.

Hasa Pool Conditioner 10lbs 65010

January 24, 2013 in Balancers by PoolSpaRemote

Hasa Pool Conditioner 65010 Cyanuric Acid CONSERVES CHLORINE IN SWIMMING POOLS HASA POOL CONDITIONER reduces chlorine consumption in outdoor swimming swimming pools due to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. It will stabilize the chlorine residual for both liquid and dry chlorinating compounds. DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Adjust pH of swimming pool water to 7.2-7.6 with HASA Soda Ash or HASA Muriatic Acid or similar products. Add HASA POOL CONDITIONER at the rate of five (5) pounds per 20,000 gallons of swimming pool water in unstabilized or freshly filled swimming pools. This dosage will provide 30 ppm conditioner (cyanuric acid).If the swimming pool is already stabilized or you have been using stabilized chlorinating chemicals, check conditioner (cyanuric acid) level before adding HASA POOL CONDITIONER. Use a test kit designed for this purpose. If you do not have a test kit for conditioner (cyanuric acid), have water checked by a swimming pool service technician, or at a professional swimming pool supply store. The ideal conditioner (cyanuric acid) level is 60-80 ppm.The best way to add HASA POOL CONDITIONER is slowly through the skimmer, while the filter and pump are running. You can also make up a slurry in a large plastic bucket and add
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Hasa Calcium Chloride 15lbs. 92015

January 24, 2013 in Balancers by PoolSpaRemote

Hasa Calcium Chloride 15lbs. 92015 INCREASES POOL AND SPA WATER HARDNESS HASA Calcium Chloride is used to increase the calcium hardness of swimming pool and spa water. Plaster swimming pool surfaces may etch if calcium hardness is below 175 ppm. Test the water with a reliable test kit. Acceptable calcium hardness is within a 175-275 ppm range. DIRECTIONS FOR USE:One pound of HASA Calcium Chloride in a 10,000 gallon swimming pool will increase the calcium hardness 4 ppm. Add this product slowly through the swimming pool or spa skimmer with pump running. Do not clean filter until material has completely dissolved. Re-test swimming pool/spa water after 24 hours and reapply as necessary. Do not overheat. INGREDIENTS:ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Calcium Chloride…………………………………………………………..100.00% NET WEIGHT 15LBS.

Hasa Calcium Chloride 50lbs 92050

January 24, 2013 in Balancers by PoolSpaRemote

Hasa Calcium Chloride 50lbs. 92050 INCREASES POOL AND SPA WATER HARDNESS HASA Calcium Chloride is used to increase the calcium hardness of swimming pool and spa water. Plaster swimming pool surfaces may etch if calcium hardness is below 175 ppm. Test the water with a reliable test kit. Acceptable calcium hardness is within a 175-275 ppm range. DIRECTIONS FOR USE:One pound of HASA Calcium Chloride in a 10,000 gallon swimming pool will increase the calcium hardness 4 ppm. Add this product slowly through the swimming pool or spa skimmer with pump running. Do not clean filter until material has completely dissolved. Re-test swimming pool/spa water after 24 hours and reapply as necessary. Do not overheat. INGREDIENTS:ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Calcium Chloride…………………………………………………………..100.00% NET WEIGHT 50LBS.

United Chemical Easy Acid EA-P45

January 24, 2013 in Balancers by PoolSpaRemote

United Chemical Easy Acid EA-P45 Easy Acid is supplied as 1 pound sachets for easy, safe dispensing. This product is 300% more effective than orthodox swimming pool acid, providing safe and fast reductions of both pH and total alkalinity. And there are no fumes to deal with. Experience the benefits of Easy Acid: It can not spill in your car like a liquid No corrosion in your garage No unsafe storage No bottles to return No deposit

Hasa Alkalinity Up 50lbs 69050

January 24, 2013 in Balancers by PoolSpaRemote

69050 Hasa Alkalinity Up Bicarbonate of soda INCREASES TOTAL ALKALINITY HASA ALKALINITY UP is used to increase alkalinity of swimming swimming pool water when tests indicate lower than a normal reading of 80-120 ppm total alkalinity. Proper alkalinity adjustment insures better pH control and more efficient activity of sanitizing chemicals. Periodic alkalinity testing with a reliable four-in-one test kit should be done to keep total alkalinity in the 80-120 ppm range. DIRECTIONS FOR USE:While the pump is in operation, add 1.5 pounds of HASA ALKALINITY UP per 10,000 gallons of swimming swimming pool water by distributing it directly into the swimming pool water to increase alkalinity by approximately 10 ppm. Retest after four (4) hours and repeat if necessary. HASA Soda Ash is recommended to raise the pH of swimming swimming pool water. INGREDIENTS:ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Sodium Bicarbonate………………………………………………………100.00% NET WEIGHT 50LBS.

United Chemical Easy pH Powder EPH-P40

January 24, 2013 in Balancers by PoolSpaRemote

United Chemical Easy pH Powder EPH-P40 Easy pH offers you the newest and best way to balance your swimming pool or spa water. Unlike other pH increasers, Easy pH will minimize the potential for scaling and staining of the swimming pool or spa. If you have the common problem of an ideal total alkalinity with a pH that is too low, Easy pH is the only easy way to correct it. No bouncing up and down. If you have a low pH with high alkalinity, there is no other product on the market that can match Easy pHs ability to correct the problem. This is a common condition with trichloro tablets. Easy pH is the only product to use with Uniteds patented No Drain Acid Wash to neutralize the acidic condition.

Natural Chemistry Pool Water Instant Conditioner 1 gal. 07401

January 24, 2013 in Balancers by PoolSpaRemote

1 gal. Pool Water Instant Conditioner made by Natural Chemistry 07401 Instant Pool Water Conditioner protects your chlorine from the light of the sun. With a highly concentrated liquid formula it is easy to apply and safe for use with all sanitizers and swimming pool surfaces. fast acting liquid swimming pool friendly pH of 8.0 will not damage swimming pool surfaces or equipment Dosage: 1 gallon (3.79L) increases CYA level to 32ppm per 10,000 gallons (38,000L) Dosages for fresh water start up (no cya present): Divide swimming pool volume in gallons by 10,000 gallons to determine the number of gallons of Instant Pool Water Conditioner required How to Apply: 1. SHAKE WELL 2. With circulation pump running pour Instant Pool Water Conditioner into swimming pool skimmer slowly OR pour directly into swimming pool water, while walking around perimeter of swimming pool brush to speed absorption 3. Rinse container with swimming pool water and shake 4. Pour remaining rinse solution into skimmer or swimming pool Maintenance: 1. Measure CYA level in swimming pool using cyanuric acid test or have it tested by a professional dealer 2. If CYA level is less than 30ppm, calculate gallons of Instant Pool Water Conditioner needed
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United Chemical CalTreat Calcium Hardness Remover CPT-C12

January 24, 2013 in Balancers by PoolSpaRemote

United Chemical Caltreat Calcium Hardness Remover CPT-C12 CalTreat is a uniquely formulated blend of propietary ingredients. When applied as directed, CalTreat will reduce calcium levels 200-400 ppm and help prevent calcium scale formation on the swimming pool surface and swimming pool equipment. 1. Increase the pH of the water to 7.8-8.2 and maintain this level for 5 days following treatment.2. On day 2, check pH level to ensure a 7.8-8.2 level before applying treatment. Determine swimming pool volume and add 2.5 lbs. of CalTreat per 15.000 gallons.3. Pour CalTreat bottle contents around poo/spa perimeter. 4. Maintain proper circulation for at least 24 hours in swimming pool or 3 hours in spa.5. Brush entire swimming pool/spa every day for 5 days. 6. On day 6, backwash filter and clean filter baskets. Add Pool Stain Treat or Salt Treat to help prevent calcium deposits and staining.

Hasa Dry Acid 67410

January 24, 2013 in Balancers by PoolSpaRemote

Hasa Dry Acid 67410 Sodium Bisulfate