Hayward Header O-Ring HAXHOR1930
January 24, 2013 in Hayward Heaters Parts by PoolSpaRemote
Hayward H-Series Low Nox, ED2 Header O-Ring HAXHOR1930
January 24, 2013 in Hayward Heaters Parts by PoolSpaRemote
Hayward H-Series Low Nox, ED2 Header O-Ring HAXHOR1930
January 24, 2013 in Hayward Heaters Parts by PoolSpaRemote
Hayward Heater H-Series Low-NOx Heater Gas Valve Natural IDXLGSV0001
January 24, 2013 in Hayward Heaters Parts by PoolSpaRemote
Hayward FD Heater Header O-Ring Kit FDXLFOR1930 REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE FDXLFOR1930 (Header O-Ring Kit): Turn pump, main gas valve, and heater power off. Remove drain plug and drain water out of heat exchanger. Remove 7 screws and remove the upper plastic heater side panel and black sheet metal trim panel, to allow access to the header (see Figure 1 for screw locations). Disconnect wires on pressure switch, temperature sensor, and temperature limits (see Figure 2). Remove 8 5/16″ bolts, washers, and spacers, and remove header and mounting bases by pulling straight out from heater (see Figure 2). Remove bypass cartridge from the header. Replace all o-rings with the new ones in this kit. Apply silicone o-ring grease (Hayward Jacks 327 Multilube P/N SP032712, or equivalent) on o-ring seals on bypass cartridge, mounting bases, and heat exchanger tubes before re-assembly. Insert bypass cartridge into header with the arrow on the end of the cartridge pointing up. Re-install cartridge retaining nut. Nut should be tightened hand-tight only. D0 NOT OVER-TIGHTEN. Re-install header assembly on heater. Tighten 5/16″ bolts to a torque of 75-100 in-lbs (6-8 ft- lbs). Re-install upper plastic heater side panel and black sheet metal trim panel.
January 24, 2013 in Hayward Heaters Parts by PoolSpaRemote
Hayward Heater Pressure ABG Switch IDXWPS1930
January 24, 2013 in Hayward Heaters Parts by PoolSpaRemote
Air Pressure Switch for Hayward H-Series Heater IDXAPS1930
January 24, 2013 in Hayward Heaters Parts by PoolSpaRemote
Hayward Heater Silicon Nitride Ignitor IDXL2IGN1930 Used on the following models: H250IDL2, H350IDL2 & H400IDL2 To replace Hot Surface Ignitor: Turn pump, main gas valve, and heater power off. Remove front access door. Disconnect igniter leads plug from wire harness plug. Remove two screws that fasten ignitor. Replace defective ignitor and reverse the above procedure.
January 24, 2013 in Hayward Heaters Parts by PoolSpaRemote
Hayward H-Series Low NOx, ED2 Heater HI-Limit 135F HAXHLI1930
January 24, 2013 in Hayward Heaters Parts by PoolSpaRemote
Hayward Heater Ignition Module PROP CHXMOD1932 IGNITION MODULE -PROP. CZ, HM2, CPS, SG Input- 24 VAC, 50/60Hzm, Spark Gap 7/64IN TH current =0.250 AMP +PV + MV At 24 VAC PV or MV Load Max = 1.5 AMP at 0.5PF
January 24, 2013 in Hayward Heaters Parts by PoolSpaRemote
Hayward 120/240V-24VAC Transformer IDXL2TRF1930
January 24, 2013 in Hayward Heaters Parts by PoolSpaRemote
Hayward H-Series Low NOx Heater Wire Harness IDXLWHM1930